Saturday 29 March 2008

Parole and Roast Dinners

Rain, rain and more rain....... Excellent no hangover which is pretty amazing considering i drank 13 units in all, consisting of:

1 Pint of peroni
1 Pint of fosters
1/2 pint of fosters
2 pints of non specified lager
2 bottles of Koperberg Pear Cider

I think the pint mug of tea on getting home at midnight and the four rounds of wholemeal toast with a thick layer of marmite might have something to do with the lack of renal failure, oh yeah and i had a pint of orange squash to wash down two co codamol tablets, i do think prevention is better than cure.

Little feck has served her sentence and was allowed out on parole today, her 7 days in almost solitary confinement were as difficult for us as her. I can cope with a bit of door slamming and name calling but the doors have glass inlays and i was sure they were going to shatter. I took other safety precautions too, like removing all medication and anything rope like, teenagers of the 14-17 year old variety are an odd bunch, they dont inhabit the same world proper grown ups do, in fact i would go so far as to say it could be on a par with some kind of mental illness , being a teenager that is.

Anyway at least she hasnt dyed her hair for five days, all i can think when i look at her is jimmy saville, thank god she isnt smoking cigars (well i dont think she is) or the comparisons could be made, which would upset her no end and make the fragile teenage mental health thing even more difficult, at present i am saying very little about the hair, even if big feck keeps singing coldplay "and it was all yellow"... she hasnt figured out its about her just yet.

I cooked a roast chicken and sweet potatoe and a savoy cabbage. I went to the freezer to find it wasnt quite as well stocked as i remembered, i had no aunt bessies mash or roast, i found something called crispies crunchy squares, the picture on the front of the bag wasnt promising and the fact that there was only about 12 of them wasnt encouraging, anyway creative problem solving got under way and the end result was passable, big feck snitched on me so he is in for chinese burn later when he isnt expecting it. I have to use the element of suprise in our fights these days as i know he will wup me otherwise, and with spring and summer coming soon i dont want my arms full of bruises.

Little feck has rejected the roast dinner option and is having her chicken on a sandwhich accompanied by a glass of milk. I should go and do that now but she will pinch my seat.

I think she may be feeling a bit better now she is out on parole the music we endured last week was hard to cope with, we are listening to james blunt at the moment, and you know he has got talent but what a flippin whingebag and what on earth does that song mean with the three angels just wanting to have some fun?????

So in case your interested about the roast dinner it included

Chicken, crispy crunchy squares, sweet potatoe, cabbage, and as there was space on the plates i put tinned carrots and tinned spuds (far too pale to have any real nutritional value) and not one but three yorkshire puddings, now the gravy was a bit pissy last week so this week with that in mind i put more granules in and it was way too thick, like some kind of chocolate sauc. The dreaded moment came when i had to take the dinners in on trays to Sean and Big feck, honestly you would think it was masterchef the way they carry on, trouble is they wont break me, i would be only too happy to be chucked off the show. I think they found the meal adequate. I am going now to have mine, but i may make fresh gravy as whats left in the gravy boat has set.
