Friday 31 July 2009

How to get published workshop - Thursday

I have to admit I was giddy. I had to take a couple of painkillers, avoid coffee for the afternoon and drink lots of water. Me an J had tickets to “how to get yourself published” road show, there was the promise of a goody bag and three experts giving their tips on the publishing world, one of the tips (hence my proper blogg) was to write and keep writing, so for the moment the stories are on a back burner (I wont be able to maintain that for long, they ooze out of me like perspiration)

The road show was from 6.30 – 8.30, so we worked till 5.30, then had baked potatoes with beans and wilted greens with home-grown tomatoes, all made by my fair hands in the office kitchen. I shouted J to come for her tea like this “J your teas on the table, and she did an impression of a grumpy teenager, which was a giggle.

We went to the Malmaison, and commented on how dark it was inside (I am naturally clumsy so obviously fell on a rug going in, spacial awareness is not my area of expertise and I even tried to sit down on a chair that wasn’t there, J is only 5 weeks on from having laser eye treatment (coincidentally the same building used to be a building society, not just any old building society, the one I got my first mortgage from, I should have had my eyes tested before putting pen to paper in that heady year of our lord 1986, endowments anyone?)

We were met with champagne on arrival (I managed a top up) before entering the seminar; an editor, publisher and agent, all good stuff, gave talks. The author of a book was also signing and selling her new book, but J and me had our noses in the goody bags by this stage –

Goody bags contained

A novel by Sara May
September issue of Marie Claire
Body shop body butter
Neal’s Yard moisturiser with frankincense

Some leaflets on money saving offers at Malmaison.

Two vouchers for a couple of drinks (I chose rose) and canapés (the smallest burgers in the world) tomatoes hollowed out and stuffed with pesto, and other tasty tit bits, wonderful.

I was home by 9.30 pouring my self the first of my weekend beverages a lovely pint of savannah cider (yes the last of the case I won earlier in the month)

*Wilted greens – I had left the spinach soaking after a colleague married to a chef warned me salmonella is rife amongst soggy salads and greens, so it was rewashed and another colleague and former staff member of the Lime Tree in Didsbury turned it into wilted greens a phrase i have never heard before (wilted does sound disapointing but in this instance it really wasnt)

Next....... I have a wedding on saturday will be back sunday to tell all

Mahoo X