Sunday 20 November 2011

All things end

I knew I would have to go through this again and probrably again in the future , I have ended up with a relapse in the old gastric reflux problem, my IBS is back and I have cried Lake Windermere.

My youngest has split with her first love after almost two and a half years and I feel bereft, this lovely young man has been a feature in our home and become an extra member of the family and now without much warning he wont be coming round anymore and its over...

I have been through all this before November 2007 (what is it about November?) when first born and his first love finished, although it was done in a much messier way that involved a crashed car, a lost shoe and him being caught walking home dishevelled with a "new friend" in a state of inebriation, in fact messy doesnt even begin to describe the end of that liaison.

The end of Feckles and Sebster was less messy but tremendously painful and unexpected too. I miss him and his family and yet I do know that when couples split even young ones or maybe especially young ones there comes a time when you have to choose and you always choose your own its instinct. Staying in touch although seems possible at first you begin to realise it cant work because it hints at the possibility of a reconcilliation that wont happen.

I have been as concerned about Sebster as I have about my own Feckles but I know he has a good family around him and will recover and as they say it is better to have loved and lost than never have to loved at all (Not sure I beleive it but as it was probrably written by someone more intelligent than me I may try to)

Self preservation kicks in and thats how you get over awful things that happen that hurt you.

Answering my feckles sob wridden question "Mum does everything have to end at some point" I said yes, everything, good times, bad times and ultimately life, which isnt a cheery thought but a realistic one.

thats all I have to say about that.