Monday 5 October 2009

Letter to the Samaritans

Dear Samaritans

My 16 year old thinks she should be able to stay over at her boyfriends and he should stay over here (he is also 16) they have been going out for about 3 months and are clearly smitten, he is a lovely lad. She also thinks i should have let her go to festivals this summer (neither of us had the cash for the tickets) and that she should be able to book them both in a hotel in London for a long weekend. Did i mention she is only 16?? also, after a long day at work she greated me with the following questions

1. I need a laptop to do my college work
2. Can my boyfriend stay over at the weekend
3. Can i have £10 for a concert i am going to tomorrow night

all this and i havent even got my coat off?

Oh yes, my weekend? I spent saturday doing housework and food shopping and sunday tending to my father in laws grave, planting bulbs etc whilst I listened to a stressed out couple have a blazing row about the price of flowers,how tight one thought the other was then he called her a "tight arsed effin likkle bitch" there were plenty of other expletives, I wanted to cover father in laws ears, surely peace and quiet in a cematary isnt too much to ask for? the people who live in my vicinity dont sit down and have discussions they fight, drink and argue in public, I have tried so hard to be more than that, but with a teenager who thinks she is right and i am unreasonable who is to say if i have done a good job. Plus she smells of fags and as she has no visible means of income, surely that means i am funding that habbit too?

Sorry about this pleading email, and I have to say the highlight really was planting crocuses in purple and gold (the Wexford colours) knowing they will come up in the spring and whatever else has gone pearshaped that week at least I will have something nice to look at. I couldnt feel any worse if I tried and the muscle under my eye keeps twitching, my right heal is torture since i slipped off that curb last month and I think I may have a water infection.

Thanks for listening,

you are still there arent you????


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