Wednesday 11 August 2010


It is a funny word, I know its a verson of mammory - I used to work with a canadian man in the 80;s who told me when he finished with his big boobed girlfriend when he was at high school his friend shouted "thanks for the mamories" and everyone laughed but she never even let on to him after that, so its with these thoughts I find myself at the Breast Clinic at Wythenshawe hospital on the very last day of my two weeks summer vacation, hubs is with me for support and the place is packed out but very nice. I dont wait too long then I go into a room with a very nice (if a little short) nurse, she says as i am tall i would be better off having the mamogram standing up, its just an Xray of your boob no big deal but the equipment needs adjusting to your particular height and shoulder width, it was a bit like having two thick see through chopping boards with your boob in between and flattened to a very odd shape, it did cross my mind that somewhere out there in the great WWW there is probrably a group of grubby anoraked, cord wearing freaks who love to see such images, but then i figured well good luck to em...

I then had a scan to make sure nothing had been missed. The final consultation (all this took a couple of hours with weights in between) was with a specialist who asked lots of questions, did i breastfeed my children (when they were babies, obviously not now, they are after all 17 and 21 and it would be too weird for words) and loads of other questions, anyway the upshot is, my gp was right to refer me, but she could categorically say I had no abnormalities in my breasts, the lump she felt was a reactivated milk duct from the very mild effects of the mirena hrt inplant. She recomended I take a high dose of evening primrose available from Holland and Barretts and be on my way............

It was a relief, although I have to say I had blocked the what ifs away in a room in my mind.

thats all I have to say about boobs, floppy droopers, squirters


1 comment:

Lesley Redd said...

I've been told by some people that it is like having your boob trapped between a car door and repeatedly shutting the door on the boob. I can't say i've tried doing that myself but I have had my hand trapped in a car door; that was painful so I guess you could multiply that pain by 100 to get your pain.

I'm pleased to read that it is all OK for you.

'thanks for the mammaries' - there has to be a song in there somewhere. :-)