Thursday 4 August 2011

Batman Live and an early baby!

Birth stories are many things, sometimes gory, sometimes harrowing and only occasionally (thank the good lord) with way too much detail, ahem......

This birth story is wonderful, its got everything in it Batman, Catwoman, Robin, the joker, and a trip to St Mary's Hospital on the way home and finally, a wonderful curtain call and introduction to a new life (I am getting way too mushy here) and this is the story of Baby Anna Rose McManamon.....

Mrs Mc finished work and said fairwell to her chums at MBS and was looking forward to three weeks with her lovely little boy Michael, he was looking forward to the family ticket mum had won to see Batman Live at the MEN arena, clever mummy had won a family ticket to the show on sunday 17th July, midway through the show there was not so much pain but a definite tightening and a feeling of something inpending..... not wanting to spoil anyones fun (is this girl a saint or what?) she soilders on to the end and when they all reach the car she requests they make a slight change of route to the hospital "just to be on the safe side", on getting to the professionals she was told she was in labour and it would be best to stay in..... like I said I am not one for gory details (trust me the story doesnt need any its perfect as it is)...............................................................

and a few hours later with only gas and air, and a quick shot of meptid (yeah and you thought rambo was hard) a beautiful baby girl weighing in at just under 7 pounds (its enough to pay as my dad would always comment on birth weights)... a few hours later an emotional first meeting of big brother Michael and a perfect little family was complete......

so that knocked ont he head the perfectly planned three weeks of rest whilst the Mac family had their kitchen finished, and that very often is life, you cant contain it or plan it it just happens.......

And as Robin once said to Batman.... Holy bill of rights batman, she's no dance teacher thats Catwoman ......

1 comment:

Lesley Redd said...

What an entrance by the new McManamon baby. :-)