Sunday 18 January 2009

Milk Runaround!

Dear Reader

As if i didnt have enough going on at the moment, after cancelling my milk delivery almost a year ago, out of the blue i get a letter requested £10.78 which shows up as an outstanding balance! well i put them straight, i put up with the worst service ever and when they should be sending me an apology, a free dairy crest diary (with recipes and pictures) and possibly a hamper by way of apology, they are requested money read on for my letter ..................

RE: outstanding £10.78 showing on your records

Rnd:017 Account No: 005442

With reference to your letter dated 15th January 2009. Your records are correct in showing that I no longer have milk delivered from you, I have not had milk delivered for at least 8 months if not longer. I dispute that I owe anything on the account.

Delivery was unreliable in many different ways. I went through weeks of the milk being delivered after we had all left for work, and on warm days this meant that the milk had gone sour when I came in from work and was undrinkable. Then despite asking many times if I could pay every two weeks, he would come to collect the money when I wasn’t in (it isn’t unusual in this day and age to work full time, therefore arrangements to collect at suitable times should have made good sense) I cant remember now if the final straw was me paying something like 6 or 8 weeks money all in one go, or the time when I paid two weeks money only to find that my husband had also paid.

Certainly it was with a heavy heart that I cancelled the delivery arrangement and began to buy it from the garage over the road, I believe in keeping people in jobs and this went against everything I believe in, but at the end of the day, the service was shoddy, unreliable and I would now question his record keeping.

I hope this brings the matter to a close.

Yours sincerely

Maria Kenny

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