Wednesday 14 January 2009

Strongly Worded Letters

Dear Reader

Its true the kenny family, I include myself in this even if i own the name legally through mariage, the truth is its been seeping through my bones since the mid 80's, have been through the mill, the funeral is this friday, and I have just finished typing up the eulogy that sean is hoping he will be able to read at the church, no one will expect him to get through it in tact, there is no shame in that. I have just realised that my way of coping with Johns crushing demise (four days on mega strong morphine at hope hosp) and subsequent death (1st January 2009) was a strange mix of "strongly worded letters" and retail therapy and yet more competitions, I have ended up with complimentary tickets to see a film of our choice at the odean, a single duvet, sandwhich maker, attachment heads for an electric toothbrush which dont actually fit the toothbrush unless you sellotape them on (yes its tricky but i do hate waste) a crazy black hat which i thought made me look alluring, but now find the two boys on reception think i look like frank spencer, in fact one of them actually said "oooh betty the cats done a wooopsy on the carpet", how come madonna and half the female population in france can wear berets and look chic, when i where one i manage to look shit!.

We all need our diversions, i need to stop blogging and wash some dark clothes for a funeral, this will be about the time where i find buttons missing, and zips broken.

More on that story later


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