Saturday 7 March 2009

Dear All,

I am poorly today, After the naughty tooth was extracted, the healing process has not gone according to plan, I now have something called "dry socket", which according to google is very painful (your not kidding) andonly occurs in 3%. So I am am putting up an old story on my blogg to hopefully entertain until I am back to full health.................... Laters Mahoo X

Lola and the Mouse…..

Ok, what am I doing, the coast is clear its like I am actually “waiting “ for something to come so I can go after it, keys in the ignition, bit of gas, clutch, into first get the biting point, up with the clutch handbrake off and ………… there is a 25 (effing)6 and I cant see what else behind them, start all over again, the coast is clear, move off, signal at the roundabout and into second, then into third get into the right position and get into four gear and away, well at least it feels fast only every tom dick and Harriet are overtaking me because I lack the confidence to go faster than 35 miles ph and cant find the nerve to move into fifth gear (I know it would be more economical with the gas) get into the middle lane at the next roundabout and drift, yep, drift from the middle lane to the one hugging the roundabout, forget to signal so no one knows where the fcuk I am going (including me) then get back on track don’t look at anyone, especially the very angry man waving his arms around and making gestures to his brain I haven’t seen since primary school, honestly some people shouldn’t be on the road. The next roundabout, hug all the way round clip it ever so lightly then signal and move ahead then signal again (it came off don’t know why) then in first gear (there really is no point in moving up again, I will be parking up soon, surely the queue of traffic behind me can figure that one out). And park up. I look over at my hubs who has said very little by way of encouragement on this 8 minutes of driving for me. He doesn’t look very well, his lips have blueness to them and there seems to be a couple of beads of sweat on his forehead.

My legs are shaking as I walk into Asda but the adrenalin is pumping round my body, god knows what crazy items I have yet to throw into my shopping trolley (an ad mans dream surely)

We finish our shopping and hubs rather too quickly for my liking says “look you have done really well today, but I think you don’t want to over do it, I will drive back”, he is in the rather too small for him drivers seat before I can protest, I continue to empty our trolley of provisions into the boot with much more on the back seat, pineapple cream biscuits? Gormet sausage flavoured Doritos???

The front windscreen has a dash of dirt on it (hardly noticeable) but hubs seems to notice everything, he feels around until he finds what should be the washer, no water comes out, the wipers work ok but no fluid comes out. This is a job for JS the mechanic, we drop off our provisions, putting the frozen and perishables in the appropriate place. And get on up to the mechanics, we drive it into the locked now closed for the day aircraft hanger, (I don’t like it in there with my vivid imagination it could be where Dexter dissects or Mulder and Scully find aliens , or even Freddie Cruiger lurking in the shadows, we do make a grisly discovery of our own, but instead of frightening us, it turns two men white and one woman heaving violently with the stench of a 12 month old rotting mouse corpse. When JS says “ I think I can see a tail, of course I thought he was jesting”, after almost ten minutes of probing with some implement, rancid water and finally a tiny white mouse with a bloated stomach and no fur on it whatsoever, it turns out the fur was what was clogging up the water washer, and we thought it was lint from someone (certainly not the previous owner as we now know) had been buffing up the front windscreen – not!.

After disinfecting the whole area and JS disinfecting his mechanics equipment, this grim discovery had now turned to something from ER, they had been unable to save the mouse, it was a done deal but Lola will live to tell the tail (the mouse tail that is).

Mahooo XXXX

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