Wednesday 4 March 2009

The Whole Tooth

It all started around June 08, I reckon, i thought it was neuralgia at first, having described the symptoms to Mrs L, and done my usual self diagnosis. The pain disappeared and came back with a vengence in October, in the middle of a friday nights slumber i was bolt upright holding my jaw. At this stage I couldnt even isolate it to a particular tooth, i suffered all over the weekend despite the article by Chief Exec Sheena C stating "no one will be left to suffer in the Trafford Area" well i beg to differ. All the dentists were closed over the weekend and i was offered an appointment with an out of ours standby for sunday afternoon but on the dental version of NHS direct the receptionist said "I wouldnt bother if i were you as they wont actually do anything", so i didnt i suffered, taking copious amounts of painkillers to the point of accidental overdose no doubt, and topped the lot off with a third of a bottle of Chiva Regal whisky just to enable me to sleep.

Monday morning came and i hotfooted it to Simpkins, where the glamourous dentist took an xray and confirmed it was an abcess, caused by a hairline crack in the tooth and some longterm seepage. So she gave me a course of strong antibiotics and removed the middle of the tooth and put in a sedative patch. She then informed me that the tooth needed to come out but its root was too close to my jaw bone and nerves, this was why i was in so much pain.

Anyway nice glamourous dentist was writing to the hospital for an appointment for me.

This was in October, my appointment letter didnt arrive until just before christmas and the date of 3rd March 2009 seemed such a long way off. Two more trips to our dentist, one more weekend of suffering and two more lots of antibiotics and the appointment is finally upon me.

I did a full day at work and finished at 2.30pm, got to the hospital for my appointment for 3.30pm. The room looked more of an operating theatre, lots of high tech equipment and I am having not one, not two but three injections to deaden the area. then the hard work begins plyers and lots of toolbox stuff comes out and after wiggling with plyers for 25 mins (3.40pm -4.05pm) the top of the tooth comes out, then another 20 mins of digging gets the remainder out. I was so releived to get this even pain causing thing out I hadnt once thought of the gap that will be left. I feel faint and need to rest for another 15 mins, then leave being supported by my hubs who says "you look like a vampire" as i have blood trailing from each side of my mouth. Once in the car he lovingly laughs "lets get you some peanut brittle that'd be funny".

I head straight to boots and purchase co codamol, and the highest strength of brufen they sell.

I come home and as I cant eat have some kind of fruit smoothy with a straw then after reading the paper i fall asleep on the bed at around 7.00ish. Hubs has a physio appointment, so any hopes of a quiet house are abandoned, two tv's in bedrooms, the one downstairs, mobile phones oing off, at one point of those youths throws the light on and asks "whats for tea" then i think they notice my incapicity and sort themselves out. I dont wake up till three in the morning, drooling onto my memory foam pillow and generally making a mess. Topped up on the painkillers and back to sleep.

I have a vague memory of making two cups of tea, two packed lunches writing a note for school (i just followed orders on the contents and intention of said letter).

Phoned work, explained went back to bed and work up for the day around lunchtime where i had another fruit smoothie and topped up the pain killers.

Its official I am now a toothless junky, I realise that was a really boring blogg and must try harder.

I am hungry now and considering baked potatoe and beans (but what if a bean gets stuck int he gap the tooth made)?

thats all, make sure you clean your teeth and avoid taking lids of bottles with your teeth in your late teens to impress people (I am more than sure thats where the hairline crack on said tooth originated)


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