Wednesday 11 August 2010

Anaphylactic Shock (almost)

Right, so if you read the last story "Big Knockers" you will know that a man in a suit with possibly undiagnosed taurettes syndrome chose to shout this in my ear..... thuse starting a chain reaction that had be relating the story to a few colleagues and my hubs who reminded me that I had been complaining about my right "big knocker", aching .........................

My gp refers me for a mamogram but in the meantime purely precautionary she prescribes a hefty dose of Penicillin antibiotics (one to be taken four times a day 500mg) this is as a "just in case" that my painful knocker isnt an infection duct or abcess.

The realist that I am I take the tablets make the appointment at the breast clinic and pack for my holidays (a week in wexford, followed by a few days in Lanberis) In all honesty I didnt give the situation a whole lot of head space, what will be will be and worrying wont change it. A day into the holiday and hubs comments "whats up with your face it looks all puffy, especially your lips and they have a line all round them", sure enough on closer examination my lips do seem to be plumped up, is it the new lip plumping action lip gloss? errr nope, next I encounter a full sprectrum of side effects, on explaining these to a young pharmacist (he must have been mortified) he told me to cease with the antibiotics and I needed piriton and antihists to stop the itching of anywhere on my body that had raw nerve endings (hmmmmmn) as we were on irish soil by this time a trip back to my gp' wasnt an option so i did what anyone would do, I topped up on the piriton, and drank copious amounts of guiness. it took a week but the itching stopped, I did however put on 5lds in weight.


Oh yeah, I have since found out my severe reaction is a forerunner to a complete Anaphylactic Shock which is very dangerous.

1 comment:

Lesley Redd said...

ouch. I remember getting stung by a wasp on the back of my neck and that was bloody sore but nothing as bad as what you've had.