Monday 22 November 2010


Dear Peeps

If anyone was in IKEA yesterday and saw a sign for an item called GORMLESS i admit It was me, I saw GORM and i wrote LESS on the end with the free pencil. Its wrong and childish but it did make me laugh almost as much as an episode of Harry Hill.

I always hesitate when there is a trip to IKEA, it messes with my head all those odd names, you see in houseing units of hollinwood (runner up in my shopping experience list) things are named properly, Oakly and Regal, in John Lewis (top on my shopping experience list) things are called Stafford and Brinkley.

In Ikea you really want the coffee table but its called Klimflokt, and the coasters are call nim, thankfully the book cases are called BILLY, and I am sure thats one of the reasons its their best seller. We bought a floating shelf call LACK and its in our bedroom waiting to be fitted to the wall under the oval mirrow, which doesnt have a name (thank god) anyway the unit my hubs is putting together now, whilst listening to the beach boys for inspiration is called MOLGER. God knows why its only a unit, theres non of this in B and Q, does anyone know what B and Q stands for?

Flunk, bink, Effling, no there not other names of items from Ikea thats what I can hear from down stairs from my hubs who is struggling to find where to put the screws into the Molger.



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