Wednesday 29 December 2010


We in the UK love reality tv shows, but we dont like reality do we.... not really... I wonder how many of us have relationships held together with holidays, meals out and endless trips to the trafford centre to fill the emptiness we feel inside, emptiness for unfulfilled dreams we dont have the time, energy or freedom to fulfill now..... I am going to be spending and shopping less in January (obviously once i have purchased my marked down gold/silver wrap for next christmas) I might like to make more collages with scraps you know like the wombles, I like doing that.

I read a book once that said for true happiness you need to find what you like doing and just do more of it..... so maybe the answer is simple,although what about all the stuff i hate doing but still have to, cooking,cleaning, washing, ironing and solving other peoples problems, all that endless paperwork ...... sorry this not so much a blog and a random blah blah, sorry

Must try harder


1 comment:

Lesley Redd said...

I'm feeling a bit meh myself. TV has gone kaput but I'm not really missing it at the moment. Finding I'm getting all the stuff I procrastinated about for ages finally completed.