Monday 24 January 2011

Taxing doesnt need to be taxing (my ass)

Moira Stuart is stalking me, I cant avoid her voice on the radio or her face on the billboards, however, I am finding that tax is taxing......

Ok I admit we should have got the paper tax returns in in October, but it such a long winded boring job that I put it off (I know your prob wondering why I am doing the tax returns and paper work at all, well I am either a mug or quite like my hubs, and that is why on a rainy sunday I found myself completing paper work whilst he is watching football, yeah on second thoughts I am a mug)..... so I completed the forms and did my very best "mitigating circumstances" letter explaining how busy we have been since hubs decided working for himself wasnt paying a liveable wage and took a full time job in maintenance at a local colleage (now dont get giddy I am not so sure thats a liveable wage either, but at least its a regular one with sick pay and a good holiday entitlement, and as I always say onwards and upwards).

So Moira stuart blah blahhing on the radio in the morning telling us we could be fined and now have to input all the information online, so.......

We (now when I say we I mean me) contacted the number on the paperwork and requested an ID, that came and I set everything out yesterday (another waste of a sunday, whilst I could have been watching the sopranos on dvd whilst toasting marshmallows by the fireplace) we couldnt move on as we required a Id and password. So I make another phone call (wonderful service open 8 - 8) well it would be a wonderful service if it was actually the hmrc it wasnt as its 2011 and everything is outsourced, it was a chirpy glaswegian at a call centre, who said she couldnt divulge any info as I didnt have my hubs with me (we are like ships passing in the night as I am out of the house from 8 - 6 and he is out from 10 -8.00 therefore we are not together to discuss at the same time on the phone to the helpline).

Its not perfect but next we await the arrival of the id through the mail, when we have that, we go on a website and request a new password which will be sent in two parts (honestly this is like a test from biblical times,) one part by email and one on line.

So I cant do anything at the moment, and this is such a boring story my next will be about the joy of buttons.....


1 comment:

Lesley Redd said...

Did you know that the majority of call centres are based in Scotland because the most trusted accent is a Scottish one. I think the next most trusted accent is in the North West or Geordie. I can't remember what order.