Wednesday 31 August 2011

The Bride and Groom

Aww here they are My good Friend Julia and Her new hubs James, I didnt even ask her if she was changing her surname, but I am going to sing Mr and Mrs all the way through when I next meet her, Mr and Mrs, be there for each other, Mr and Mrs, friend and lover, think of the future etc......

I used to watch that with my Nana and in the school hols and I remember one of the questions was

Doe your husband take his sock off

a) once he is in bed
b) before he gets in bed
c) keeps them on in bed

and my Nana was certain he kept them on, but he didnt he took em off before he got in bed, she said "Hmmmn I bet they have central heating, they look the sort who would"....

we didnt have central heating and for anyone who grew up without it, well we all kept our socks on.......

Anyway back to the happy couple.....

When she is back from her honey moon I have a very important question to ask and nothing to do with socks..... its this

Do you want to see Colombiana, as I have two preview tickets for the printworks for tuesday 6th September 6.30pm.........

1 comment:

Lesley Redd said...

I loved that show with Derek Batey. It's nice they've brought it back though with Fern and Philip.