Saturday 6 August 2011

Lincoln Park Zoo and Ka bobs for Breakfast...

Today I looked at the pop up pocket map of chicago (with a snap of the blues brothers on the front) and thought we should cat the local bus to Lincoln Park and the city zoo, we got our all day tickets from Wal- greens (seriously I wish I had shares in that place, they are everywhere and whoever heard of a pharmacy that sells food and booze?) we caught the 151 bus up to the area known as Lincoln Park and got off at Dickens Avenue, after a walk up some leafy roads we come to the area they used to film The untouchables, leafy and individual houses, lovely. realising we had again forgotten all about breakfast (well apart from the two slices of Giodarnos pizza from the other night that is)... this was a neighbourhood with very few actual franchises, family run businesses all over, we find somewhere like looks greek and after a look along the menu, we decide on chicken kebabs, or as they say here Ka bob, salads and sodas you can refill until your so bloated you can burp the you wont see that on sessamee street.....

Next we find Oz Park, so called as the area had the nickname of the emerald city due to the amount of Irish who live there,and appropriately enough there are massive scultpures of the main characters from the film, Dorothy and toto, she even has shiny red slippers on, the tin man, the lion and the scarecrow. There wasnt any witches I suppose that could frighten the kids.

Lincoln zoo wasnt far and as its a city zoo its free, yes nought pence so anyone can go, non of the expense of Chester Zoo we have had to find in the past, and kids are the same anywhere the monkey show there red bottoms and the kids laughed and pointed, although I did over hear some teenagers asking if the apes were male or female and the reply he got was why do you fancy it?

Moving right along to a water fountain where we gladly fill up our bottles, and over the freeway bridge on foot to the beach, there is a public warning about fog which says people can only go in the lake for a couple of feet as the lifeguards wont be able to see them. I looked in the distance and saw a man on a horse, maybe it was the loan ranger........

1 comment:

Lesley Redd said...

I would be considered very slim in the USA. All that food would be such a temptation though.