Friday 23 September 2011

white jeans

White jeans, who do I think I am Liz hurley, well maybe not quite she does own at least 28 pairs of the things.....

But courtesy of my fave charity shop in urmston, i got a brand new pair for just £4.00, the tags hadnt been removed, the spare button was still on the label and maybe they had been worn once, so home with me they came. I put them on with a longish stripey tunic (I had to as I had only had them on two mins and got a squirt of fresh orange juice on them and the stain just spread. I had espadrilles on and my messy hair piled up on top so the pre raphelite curls tumbled down my face.... as I left the house I said to my youngest "do me a favour and dont get mad, but will you not use all the petrol up in my car" and she said, hmmmmmn ok, but only if you do me a favour, and shave that moustache off .............. now I know Liz Hurley hasnt got kids as old as mine but if she did surely they wouldnt be so brutally honest.......

thats it, I have to say though white jeans are not "serviceable" as my mother would say, you can only wear them once as they become almost walking evidence of what you have eaten, where you have sat and what you have done, so no wonder Liz has 27 pairs of the things.


Friday 16 September 2011

Speed Reading .......

Last week I opened the post at home and along with the usual rubbish, i found something from the DVLA my first thought was OMG what have I done, how much will it cost me and can I get away with it.....

I was going to say I read it but I didnt, I speed read and saw that it had been 10 years since I passed my driving test and that my photo driving license needed updating and this would cost me a crisp £20.... plus the cost of the snaps, which these days is around a fiver....

Now these snaps cant be done just anywhere and at anytime, I needed to make sure I was in full makeup and hair done (this snap is going to last me till I am 54, its got to be good).

I admit I focused on that and had my snaps done, just afterwards my daughters boyfriend said "whats up with your eye", on checking in a mirror, I had indeed burst a bloodvessel and looked like an extra from beetle juice.... The snaps dont show it very much and after spending a fiver well they will just have to do.

Next the whole lot stays on a sideboard for a week, as I pass it every day and think - right I must do that. So today I come to fill in the forms and write the cheque and I realise the snap could get rejected on two counts

Redeye and Smiling.

The covering letter I have attached goes like this....

Dear Sirs

I understand the photo provided for the updated card has certain requirements and does state, it should be free from redeye, and your mouth should be closed.

I had trouble with both of these requirements as I have had a virus which left me with some facial paralysis as well as a burst blood vessel in my eye, although it looks like a grin it was the best I could manage under the circumstances.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me on the above mobile number if necessary.

Yours faithfully

Mrs M

feedback on would be much appreciated