Thursday 5 January 2012

Christmas Presents.....

So here he is Hubs crumpy face, I remember seeing a very similary grumpy face on christmas day 1992 I think it was, he had asked me to get a Richard Marx cd and I had got the wrong one, so when he opened it in the hope of some new tunes he actually had a replica of the one he already had, he was about to throw a hissy fit when I interjected with " you have got to be joking, so what I got the wrong flippin one I can always swap it, your acting like a spoilt child" as you would expect this didnt make him act any better, but I have always remembered this. Me, I dont care what anyone gets me for christmas I like it, in fact I am having trouble thinking of a present I have ever felt miffed about, I think I am just glad that someone thought I might like whatever it is, and I usually do, hmmmmmn Richard Marx indeed....... so quick as a flash let me bring you back into the present and its christmas day 2011and lucky old hubster has got a few presents to open (gone are the days when we struggled so much to get the meagre things for the kids to open - and might I say they rarely got what they really, really wanted as the choices such as Tracy Island,
the full set of Biker Mice from mars, inline skates and a playstation) so he opened his main present to find the full 7 series of The West Wing and attached is the picture I took of him, notice the present label strategically placed by me around his head and look at those eyes, he had just said " when have I ever, ever said I wanted to watch the West Wing?" and then as our youngest was shocked at how ungrateful he was, he tried very hard to back track, saying "oh i am sure I will like it i am only kidding". hmmmmmmmn at least he liked his other presents of Joe Bonnamassa featuring Beth something and his fabtastic manchester city maine road street sign, which looks fantastic on the side of our house, it wont confuse a postman as its at the back.

I cant wait to start the West wing, three episodes per night over February sounds good to me and hubs will just learn to appreciate his presents in future.


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