Sunday 18 March 2012

The big clean up......

First born moved out mid January, youngest child didnt rush to swap bedrooms as predicted, she stuck her nose in and said

" I dont know if i can move into there, it smells of boy...... half term arrived and on getting home from work one day the move had already been done, and after a thorough clean of all services and laminated flooring with Cif Lemon wipes, the room smelt like a lemon instead.

All his stuff was dumped in one large box in any order it fell, so todays task was to look through and put into four smaller boxes, otherwise I havent a hope in hell of it ever going with its rightful owner.

I found:

3 dried up mascaras
6 unopened bank statements (I presume thats what they were - I of course didnt open them)
A selection of photos - a really cute one of me and the boy at the seaside with him wrapped in a towel on a beach and me a rather old looking 24 year old (see above).

135 CDs 82 Dvds 2 books (hmmmn he never was a great reader unless you count the Argos and the now out of print Products Direct - which could never compete with Argos as Chavs cant be bothered to say two words when one will do. Although I did find a copy of Bravisimo?????)

And hair, loads of hair, in fact I could repopulate three bald heads with it and still have some left over? I am actually beginning to feel a bit queazy....

two pairs of hair straighteners, an evelope with XL written on it (I aint kidding) two pairs of scissors, three lots of headphones, two packets of blue tack (thats where it went). If ever a mother deserved two glasses of red wine whilst watching upstairs and downstairs on a very productive sunday evening well I am that mother.

dedicated to anyone who has ever had to sit next to someone smelly on the 256 on the way to Manchester, Piccadilly

Mrs Mahoo


Ginger said...

Mrs Mahoo. I did enjoy reading your latest blog. I am actually on a course in York about social media and we are just covering 'bloging' and have been sent off to search for blogs that interest us.... of course one prolific blog sprang to mind......

Mahoo Kenny said...

Gee thanks Ginger