Tuesday 20 March 2012

Ladies with Clipboards ... Kerchingle

I am just coming up to my four years working back in the city centre of Manchester and I still love it.

Most weekdays apart from monday if I have no particular things on my lunchtime agenda, I walk past spring gardens post office and walk along and come out on market street, between the mobile phone shop and Miss Selfridge. The anoraked ladies, usually in their fifties, clipboards in hands and I ask my question

What do you want me to test today ladies?

I usually pick out someone who looks like they are struggling to grab the attention of a passerby and after the usual questions, of name, address, age bracket (gutted I will soon be in the 45-60 Pah!) I come under the youthful 35-44 for at least another three weeks.

Today they are testing a new product, i have to sign to say I will not reveal the secret and I wont, this is the closest I will get to doing important top secret governmental work and I appreciate the seriousness of the whole thing.

After the secret mission on the second floor of 3 spring gardens, I am given a blueberry muffin to sample and a glass of water, then I print and sign my name and get a brown envelope with a £5 high street voucher to spend as I wish.

I still have the £2 voucher from last weeks cheese tasting and tomorrow they are testing chunky crisps for £3, a tenner for my views, excellent......all part of my ongoing personal cost cutting lifestyle

thank you and good night

Mrs Mahoo

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