Tuesday 10 April 2012

Birthday No: 45

Dear Lesley,

Well its my 45th Birthday this week, how do I feel about it? nothing negative, this is where I am, 45, I was actually thinking of somewhere really good to go when I celebrate my 50th so its all good, I was thinking Washington,Seattle, I dont do spain as I have said before Hubs tans like an angry farmer and to be honest when you get to your forties you can actually see the damage sunbathing authentic or Tantastic in the Precinct has done to some of my counterparts so I Know the evil that the sun can do to ageing skin (Sid James anyone?. So anyway back to 2012 and the impending birthday, I already have two birthday cards on the mantelpiece and one gift through the post, out of the three things to be opened one is from my mum the other two from work colleagues.

Despite pointing out a couple of budget gifts I would quite like, I had the age old question from the youngest "if i had to pick one flower that was my all time fave what would it be?"

well this year I am having some fun, after entensive googling I have come up with the Japanese lime green lilly - it only flowers once every decade and sure as hell wont be available in any prepacked bunches sold at Morrisons.

The conversation between youngest and first born will have taken place whilst they were eating a macdonalds breakfast and between mouthfulls of mc muffin and prob was nothing more than a few grunts with the words, mum, birthday, thursday, flowers within, how did I raise two unimaginative offspring? dont they know I would like nothing more than a collage or homemade card. I actually pointed out some childrens stickers books in Waterstones the other day and said I would really like to buy these, and was told, well dont they are for children not you.

fecking spoil sports, I will buy them myself on thursday with my own mum who will say

Well, you always did hear a different drummer................

yeah and it wasnt cozy powell (completely overated and voted for every year in kerrang rock comic)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We should meet up for a coffee one day and celebrate belatedly your turning of 45 - I will be 45 next year.