Monday 18 June 2012

Strawberries (hopefully) with carnation milk.....

I am constantly amazed when I grow my strawberries and tomatoes this time of year, amazed that from alittle seed with some rain (of which we have had too much) to sun (of which we really havent had enough), that there is often progress from me checking them at 8am to checking again when I am back at base at 6pm, I am in two minds whether to cover them in mesh, on the one hand I dont want birds and other creatures to eat the fruit but on another I suppose that it isnt really mine to cover up, also I keep forgetting to nip to wilkos in manchester arndale (in the same spot that used to house C and A in the 80's and 90's), I will have to write a note on my hand tomorrow.
Even from taking this picture I have more that have rippened just in a few short hours, it really is wonderful..... although an awful lot of effort for half a punnet......but it does make me want to sing, all things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small etc...............

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