Sunday 3 June 2012


I have a new hobby, Knitting, its dead trendy loads of cool people do it, you dont have to be a granny and you dont have to knit just matinee jackets in lemon for new babies, you can learn how to knit pretty much anything. I admit I might have got a bit giddy as I seemed to be picking it all up pretty quickly, I had my second knitting class at hulme library last thursday night and on coming home after a few essential chores, made myself a cuppa and set about knitting whilst watching a couple of episodes of the West Wing (as box sets go, I am enjoying it but not as much as The Wire or The Sopranos and I know hubs feels the same), on feeling very tired I turned in around 11pm, left my knitting downstairs and tried to sleep, I drifted off and woke up at 3 am feel an awful feeling of seasickness, I managed to make it to the bathroom and vomitted like a drunken sailor, after a few goes of this, I thought two things, 1. I better go downstairs with a bucket and sip water until this sickness subsides and 2. thanks loving family for getting up to check I was ok. Down stairs my innerds ached and to distract myself from how rotten I felt I sipped water and knitted and thought of the phrase KNIT ONE, HURL ONE around 5am, I felt like I might be able to sleep, so I cleaned my teeth with my electric toothbrush and professional descaling toothbrush and thats what I did till 9am, when I rang in work and said I wouldnt be coming in as I had had one hell of a night (but not in a good way). I wouldnt blame anyone who didnt believe me as it looked dubious and was prob the hottest day of the year so far. thats all I have to say about that Mrs Mahoo

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