Wednesday 3 December 2008

Melted Knob

I got home, checked the beef bourginion (sliced beef, sliced mushrooms in a creamy shop bought sauce) and the beef was still tough, it seemed like a normal thing to do I turned off the slow cooker lifted out the earthen wear container and put it in the oven for an hour, well it was well and truly cooked when i checked it and we enjoyed it with new potatoes and peas, lovely.

However, i struggled to get the lid off the knob had melted. I kept quiet about this from hubbles, yes he thinks i am an arse anyway (remember off dick emery, "I got it wrong again Dad") all this was bad but the thing i might need councelling for was when i went to plan B (always have a plan B).. checked the morphy richards website, it had a phone line for everything from Toasters to slow cookers, so armed with the serial and model numbers, i rang, there then followed a 10 minute conversation with "Marjorie" from the slow cooker replacement parts and advice order line. I explained that i had melted my knob and that it was accidental but i had checked and now the knob had gone cold i reckoned i could get it off with a screw driver if she could send me a replacement it would be v much appreciated. I think marjorie thought it was a spoof call at first, but ordered with one and left me with the closing line of "Mrs Kenny i have ordered your replacment knob and it should be with you within 3-5 working days, if you have trouble unscrewing the old melted knob and attaching the new one dont hesitate to contact me again.

I feel grubby and thats for sure, i have checked the post each day and there is still no knob i just want to change the knob, forget this ever happened and put it all behind me.

Normally to discuss such things and know the operators first name it costs more than the standard rate. So I am told.

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