Wednesday 3 December 2008


The day started quite well, I occused big feck of not cleaning his teeth before leaving for work and he sent me a text back telling me in no uncertain terms that he had and its my own oral hygene i should watch............

The week was gong to be a damn busy one, Joe Bonnamassa on the monday, Extreme on tuesday and that should have been enough nights out and rocking for two over 40's, the competition fairy was out in full force and at 5.10pm I received a phone call from a v shocked hubs telling me that Rachel from Sky sports had been on to tell him that he had won flights, accommodation and two tickets to watch the Hatton fight in ...... Vegas and what names should she have the tickets made out in? after a short discussion (i stopped briefly to polish my halo) it was decided big feck should acompany hubs to vegas. Rachel said everything would be sent by courier and to enjoy. Yes we are still on monday, Joe Bonammassa (I dont know how to spell it mm's and ss's whatever) was excellent and should consider taking it up full time if you ask me, he looked like a young peter fonda and played like the devil himself (maybe he sold his soul). The boys were still in shock the next morning when they realised it hadnt been a dream, but for us oldies it was concert number two, Extreme at the academy on oxford road, excellent and Nuno did indeed look like the years had been more than kind to him, after a few tracks he even plucked up the courage to remove his tank top (strange how most men i know would resemble frank spencer in a tank top, but not our nuno)... I admit i was rather thirsty shouting his name like a crazed beatles fan, i needed four pints of lager and my voice had gone. That brings us nicely to wednesday when i went to the bank and used my christmas club money to purchase dollars for the lucky kenny boys, the exchange rate wasnt as favourable as i would have liked but hey everything else was nought pence. The boys packed and checked lists and were releived when the package was signed for by our neighbour earlier in the day it contained : flight tickets, manchester to chicago, chicago to vegas going and vegas to manchester direct coming back, two hatton t shirts , accommodation information, staying for three nights in the MGM Grand, where the fight was taking place and two fight tickets with a face value of $500.00 each O M G.

I booked the taxi for 8.00am on the thursday morning and that was it until the following monday evening.

Hatton won, and over the weekend I cut out snaps and articles for the scrap book. When hubs and feck saw the fight they also saw Sly Stallone, Beckham and son, the gallagher brothers and many more... and I felt like I had been blessed yet again by the competition fairy... long may it continue.

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