Friday 27 February 2009

Premier at the Lowry and half pizzed in the Vine!

Thursday 26th February 2009

I have this thing I do (well maybe now I have realised I do it I can find a way of stopping doing it,) I think that I can fit in more than I actually can, time wise I mean, a good example of this is today.

Although the Metallica tickets had been on the pin board for at least 6 weeks, and I knew that I had to be at the Arena for like 8.30pm for the show, when i got the call to say I had been the lucky winner of 12 tickets to see the movie "Confessions of a shopaholic" and that each ticket holder would also get an exclusive tote bag crammed full with merchandise from the film "the winner can also take one special friend to Lime restaurant for a slap up three course meal for two includng wine at a date to be agreed with the restaurant manager" (god i love getting phone calls like that)

The film preview was to start at 6.00pm (prompt) armed with the info, feckles invited 9 school friends, who would all meet up with us at the Lowry Cinema. I finished work at 5.00pm, met up with my neice Lolly and after a quick sausage roll each we were on the met to Harbour City, we got to the cinema and met up with a group 10 giggly excited 16 year old Makeup monsters -(seriously orange foundation???how do you even ask for that ) the collectable tote bags were handed out (see empty bags, empty promises), we settled in our seats, the cinema only had us 12 and maybe three other couples dotted about, this was indeed an (almost) private screening. I handed
handed out 11 packets of pom pom bear ready salted and a crunchy apiece (everyone likes crunchies!) watched 20 mins of the film, ensured all was well and left the group in the more than capable hands of my neice aged over 18 (there always has to be a responsible adult in charge of a group of minors, and as one wasnt available I figured lolly would do).

I then hotfooted it back to the met station (glad i had sought sustinence from said sausage roll as energy levels would surely have been flagging by now) caught met back to St Peters square where hubs was waiting, in the Vine Pub as arranged (a country pub in the city) from the empty glasses on the table, I realised I had some serious catching up with him on the drinking score as he had managed to down 4 pints of Timothy Taylors.

His eyes glazed over as I explained the shennanigans of the Shopaholic Tote Bag Fiasco "I will meet you at half past, in the Vine" He had said as I left home this morning, I must have misheard him as a more fitting description would be " I will meet you half pissed in the Vine" after getting him an emergency quarter pounder with cheese (gurkin removed) we called for a quick pint at a pub on the way to the Arena (my first pint of the night! and hubs settled for a wussy bottle)

The last time Metallica were in Manchester was 1996, I cant remember if I went but hubs did. So on Thursday 26th February 2009 at 8.40, the lights went down, the band came on and the rocking commenced............ now for the second part of the story you have to look at Mosh Pits and Naked bits, but sadly no Brad Pitts................


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