Monday 22 February 2010


I dont want to come over all whingey but I have to say, that way too much of my time either before work, at lunchtime or after work is spent ensuring we have a warburtons thick sliced loaf, barms, and other provisions, now this would be ok if it was just for me and i was the only person available to have to do this, but I am not, i have a more than capable husband, a teenage daughter and a grown up son, 22 this year and it never seems to cross their minds that this responsiblity should be shared accross the family, how did this happen?

My buckaroo theory is that we as mums just keep allowing an extra responsibility to be added, sometimes it is added so carefully we dont realise at the time and six months down the line you job title has changed slightly until eventually it might as well be MUG instead of MUM. Anyway thats what i was thinking tonight as i waited for the met home from town with - a loaf, barms, orange squash, three peppers, and two large Quorn cottage pies, i had them in the oven and hid the wrappers before anyone could protest, of course I didnt fool hubs who very wisely just said " dont ever give me this again, quorn my arse", this was quickly followed by "dont worry i will eat it", i think he saw the shimmer of - am gonna kick yo ass sumbitch ya goddamn betcha ya'll eat it - or something like that. Anyway, the eldest didnt noticed and ate the lot and you know what if he doesnt like it he can join the goddamn circus and leave, I say this as i noticed that those snake hipped odd bodds are in town again, circo soleil i think there called, now i wonder if they eat Quorn.

Also, i made a concerted effort to stop punishing myself, and i cancelled my gym membership, i did have a big fat lie of a reason why if they asked, i was going to say i had to have an operation that may or may not be successful and If it was successful it would take me months to recover from, i even practiced getting my eyes all sad, instead I blurted out " I want to cancel my gym membership, I find it really boring", the look on the superslim gym person was a bit shocked and disgusted really.

I cant tell you how much lighter i feel without that millstone round my neck, now if it could just be conveyed on the scales that would be just fine and dandy


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