Monday 22 February 2010

Sweeping Side fringes

I finally did it, I decided I was not only going to grow out my fringe but also get some blonde colour put in, now I find myself looking at every one with a sweeping side fringe and wondering how on earth they manage it, I had the new do last Tuesday so its almost one week, its been a real endurance test, ok I haven’t been hit by a car coming that I didn’t see or anything, but I have to confess to almost getting on the 258 instead of the 256 – a real school girl error. And one you can be forgiven for making if you need your eyes testing but not because you are trying to sport the “sweeping side fringe”. I almost (my stylist needs to ignore this) got the scissors out and hacked myself something, only the thoughts of looking like Garth off Wayne’s world stopped me. More on the sweeping side fringe at a later date, I mean Phil oaky managed it back in the day, were there any long term optical health problems? I note that he now has a skin head, is that to ensure he has full vision? And Hitler, he had a floppy sweeping side fringe no wonder he was always so angry. Don’t you want me baby, don’t you want me whooooa ……………………

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