Wednesday 24 February 2010

Scandinavian Viking Vampires

Everyone needs some nice eye candy to get them through the working day, I change the little snap I have on my works pinboard whenever I feel like and this week its the actor who plays Eric Northman - Or should I say Eric the owner of Fangtasia, the vampire bar in Bon Temps - still not getting it? well you need to tune in to FX this friday (and every friday for the next 12 weeks) anyway, the actors name is Alexander Skarsgard. I got the little snap from the last page (page 98 if you need to go a searching your recycling bin - go on do it now its on page 98 of The Guide, did i mention its on page 98?) the actor obviously doenst look the same as the character he plays but he is well and 100% fit as some of my class mates used to write on the back of toilet doors in the early 1980's.

I had one of those mad stare moments where you know you are staring but cant seem to move away, a real comfortable stare I call it, oh go on you know what i mean. Anyway in case you dont know that I won a trip to Copenhagen next month, i cant beleive there is anyone in the Manchester area who doesnt know, it suddenly came into my mind, Copenhagan thats Scandinavian, thats where Eric the Vampire originally came from, ok over 1000 years ago, but I am going to be on the look out for any looky liky's whilst meandering through Tivoli Gardens, and the flights are booked with Scandinavian Airways, there is a possiblity that the cabin crewe could be distant relatives of his, the thought has warmed me up more than a chicken and ham greggs pasty i can tell you.

I can let you know what the skands look like, of course with my blonde hair they will think i am a native, till i say in a broad mancunian accent that no one understands “what 19 Kroners for a straddle, I mean struddle?

After all that i will need a lie down in a dark room (with a fit vampire).

Thats all

Mrs Mahooo

1 comment:

Mahoo Kenny said...

Eric is 100% fit