Tuesday 10 August 2010

Big Knockers

It was a day like any other day, when after getting a lift into manchester by my son, I walk along market street with my daughter quietly talking about trivia when I am aware of a man in a suit coming towards me, very loudly in my ear he says


then walks away, I dont dare turn around as there is always the possibility he is waiting for a reaction or something, my daughter says did he mean you mum? and I can only sumise that yes, as it was my ear he shouted it into he must have done.

Now that the focus is clearly on a part of my anatomy I have come to take for granted I must admit I am a mixture of shocked and amused. The story is relayed at least three times during the day and I mention it when I get home to my hubs, who laughs at first then says "didnt you say one of them was aching". This is indeed true and so the real story begins.......

I make an appointment to see my GP and explain the ache, she says she is going to refer me for a mamogram at the specialist hospital but as a precaution she gives me a very high dose of antibiotic and as she asks that question "are you alergic to penacilin" and I say no. Another adventure in Kennyland begins (actually two)

1 comment:

Lesley Redd said...

I remember once walking down the road with two friends and a guy leaned out of a car window and shouted 'Oi Big Tits'. So I know what you mean. :-(