Wednesday 28 April 2010

His body is a Temple ......not!

From Monday to Friday his body is a temple, he wont even drink tea after 7pm and never touches coffee or alcohol during these five days of abstinence, he goes to the gym or plays football each night after work, and shocking as it may seem Friday night has also been gym night, no takeway with his family, nope, he cooked chicken breast marinated in sun dried tomatoes (i dont think the sun was in this country). Come Saturday all this changes he skipped the roast beef and Yorkshire pudding evening meal offered by that woman he gave gastric reflux to all those years ago in favour f the phrase eatings is cheating, and scrubbed up and went out all out to change the mantra from My body is a temple to My body is a brewery/kebab shop/brothel (if i am very lucky)

This experiement went on to prove that he let down himself and Urmston mens club, yes he was hungover.

With a tear in my eyes am I

a) Very proud
b) Relieved he hasn’t choked on his own vomit
c) Wondering when he will grow out of this seesawing of of values

This is the boy that gave me gatric reflux, i do hold a grudge and one day he too will feel that burning pain of excess that takes his breath away...........

Mrs Mahoo (keeping in real)

1 comment:

Lesley Redd said...

You know what I was the slogan of the mars bar when I was growing up - I literally ate a mars a day to help me work rest and play. Funny these young adults. I hope he doesn't end up with heartburn like mine.