Tuesday 12 October 2010


In one week I have managed to prove without a shadow of a doubt that I am a lousy*

a) housekeeper

b) mother

c) daughter

d) **I have also managed to get myself blacklisted from a leading magazine testing panel. It’s not going well and aint that the truth!

Lousy Housekeeper - for the third week running there is the usual "socks reunited" fiasco where no one can find a mathing pair, the family us four are divided into two who care (Hubs and Son ) and two how dont care (Me and daughter) neither can understand the others point of view so its not exactly a tag team but it came close last night when I tried to argue that a navy sock with nike written in white was almost the same as a black sock with kickers written on it, i mean in the great sceme of things......

Lousy Mother - It’s my son’s birthday tomorrow and although I managed to get a manchester city birthday cake, there is a good chance I am about 12 years too late, you see my first born is actually turning 22 and the look of delight I am hoping for just isn’t going to happen, fortunately his other presents may get a smile (even if only briefly) what can I say, it’s taken all those years for the stars to align and for me to walk into Tesco’s and see said cake marked down. (Lousy Mother)

Lousy Daughter - it had been a full 8 days and although most days I had been meaning to phone my mum up for a chitchat and see what she has been up to by the time i had a free couple of minutes it was almost 10.00pm and too late to do so, then sleep then up then mamoth sandwhich making then comute then work, then home then tea, then socks reunited etc.... anyway I got a telling off which I would normally have taken but the week had been so manic and not of my causing I said "youve gotta be kiddin me", you have no idea how busy i have been etc....... hence a quiet rant from a woman who remembers being a child of 11 thinking that being grown up meant a choice between living with another fun girl as in The liver birds or living with a group of kids touring the country solving mysterys as in Scooby do, what I got was more like the munsters with less money no hired help having to go out to work full time....

and lastly, blacklisted from a major magazine as a lousy product tester, well this I describe as a misunderstanding (I say i describe it as such because they certainly wont ..... more on that story later, if any one posts and asks me, in fact as I only have one person who reads my blogg, Lesley, come on do you want to know?????


Julia R said...

I agree with you on the socks issue and luckily for me no-one in my house seems to care too much. One remedy is to buy all socks of the same colour! What's all this nonsense about having NIKE/Kickers writing on them. Jake is allowed on occasions one small black embroidered logo which is barely visible to the human eye! xx

chris1982 said...

I want to know which testing panel you were blacklisted from.