Friday 18 February 2011

Unspecified White Fish......

The email I sent read...... Dear Sean, if you get home before me would you be good enough to get the bag of fresh frozen haddock out of the freezer, wrap in foil, squirt lemon juice on it and cook it in the oven, that way I can do mash n veg when i come home and we can get our tea down us and watch the sopranos.......

The phone call I received went like this........ Haddock, when did you dream that there is no haddock in the freezer (much rattling of scrunched up icy things ...) are you sure, it should be in the third draw, nope no haddock whatsoever, and there is plenty of cod though......

I said - then I mean code

He said – well why you didn’t say that

I said - i got mixed up, look if it’s too taxing for you to figure out just leave the lot and I will do it when I get home (deep sigh at the fact that he has apparently used up all his initiative at work)

So I get home and the cod is cooked, the hubs is slumped n grumped in a chair watching the one show (but not singing the theme tune tonight) and on the table is an opened and almost discarded letter that states....... DO NOT IGNORE.

A speed read through and it transpires that he was flashed going through a red light and once he admits liability by signing the declaration and sending back in the envelope provided (they really are all heart) he will either get a fine, points on his licence or an early Saturday morning refresher course on the highway code.....

Conclusion: it wasn’t anything to do with the Haddock/Cod after all. Honestly splitting hairs over fish.........

1 comment:

Lesley Redd said...

Code? Do you mean the Davinci Cod? hahahahaha