Thursday 7 April 2011

Benicio del Torro

I woke at 6.15am this morning with what I can only describe as morning sickness, didnt want to eat and my usual pint mug of tea made me heave, I can only put this down to either sympathy sickness with my sis in law who has just gone public after her 12 week scan and me remembering 18 years ago and 23 years ago and that awful sea sickness feeling or.....

The very erotic dream I had with a certain Benicio Del Torro.... phew, I hadnt event seen a film with him in so I dont know why he was in my thoughts

The sickness passed (surely he isn’t so masculine he could make me pregnant immediately and in a dream,)

On the 256 into town I eased the sickness with a random foxes glacier mint found at the bottom of my handbag and once in work, a milky coffee and two toasted muffins with honey and extra thick double cream, seemed to hit the spot (not unlike that bloke from last night.........)

Feeling tons better I wonder how Mr Torro is doing this morning, perhaps he dreamt about me, still it is slightly off putting that he never smiled, especially considering what we got up to...................

I cant beleive I read in the metro newspaper the following day that Kimberley Stewart (Rods girl) is having Del Torros baby the paper said "Although they are no longer together, Benicio has pledged to be supportive"!

There just might be something in that collective consciousness thing.....

I couldnt find a picture of Benicio so above is a picture of a fish from my local chip shop, I call it a Stretford Shark.... tasty and lethal like Benicio maybe....

1 comment:

Lesley Redd said...

Fish and Chips - lovely. We should go out one evening after work for a coffee and cake or when it stops raining.