Wednesday 20 April 2011

Posted -

Today I grew a pair, and finally sent three chapters of my infamous (yet unpublished) book “The Year I Won Stuff” to a publisher, along with a collage of various tickets, letters, photos and mementos from said wins, I sent it in a large envelope first class which cost me 75p ..... as I always say, nothing ventured.....

Money Savvy -

Afterwards I walked through boots on market street and was ambushed by the makeup artist on the YSL counter who touché eclaited me “not a concealer a multifunctional highlighter” she informed me, she also applied a bright orange lipstick and a spray of perfume as I left ..... I won’t be back to make these expensive purchases as the focus of disposable income for the next couple of months is to pay off car insurance, holiday and expensive glasses for specky four eyes (Hubs) .......

Enjoyed –

A magnum choc ice on a stick and tried to remember all the ice lollies from my past..... Cider, Vimto, Shandy , screwball icecreams (with the bubble gum at the bottom) I remember all play stopped as the jingle of the ice-cream van came along Buckley street, and we all ran home to our mums, who usually had copper on the side for just this event, I cant ever remember my mum saying no, and if my uncle jim had been down he would leave 10 bob for the icecream man, it was always on the sideboard just waiting.... we didnt have 99's or anything just a plain cornet with raspberry sauce, sometimes old ladies came out with a dish and asked for three scoops and a wafer and they had a very thin sheet of paper over the top, Mrs Bird our neighbour did this, I used to be intrigued as to what she ate it with, my mum said tinned peaches probrably..... of course luxury magnums hadnt even been invented then, i think the top of the range was a feast.....

Wore –

My aunty *Ethel’s white plastic frame Polaroid sunglasses, these were found when mum was helping to clear/tidy at my uncle phils house in Hattersley, the glasses are original restro ones and even had the year of 1971 on them, after all these years they are back in fashion and the lenses are really good quality too.....

* Ethel married my Uncle Jim (my mums brother) I dont think she got a bargain seemed to be the families thoughts on the whole thing......

Listened to -

The Dreaming by Kate Bush, followed by some Simple Minds and a bit of meat loaf and wondered....(whilst eating the above magnum) would a vegetarian feel guilty about being a Meat Loaf fan?

When I got back to work I noticed the tin of mints on my desk had been tampered with, it made me laugh, but then as I said loudly anyone who has ever suffered from this condition knows it aint nothing to laugh at, I am of course "pleading the fifth"......

is it weekend yet

1 comment:

Lesley Redd said...

Kate Bush is bringing out a new album very soon.