Tuesday 20 December 2011

Saturday Night Fever.......

On waking on Saturday morning I did feel a little drained but hey who doesnt when they work full time, I had had almost 11 hours kip after drinking just two delish glasses of red and I was ready for a couple of days off.

I did some mega house work and went for the burn whilst dressed in my extreme yoga outfit and went for the burn whilst hoovering the hall stairs and landing and that cupboard we keep the crisps....

Dropped a bag off at the charity shop and bought a loaf and I was home within the hour, and then I started going down hill rapidly, I felt hot and sick and had a banging headache. And that was saturday its now Tuesday and I havent left the house since, its all the symptoms of a cold without the snotty nose I had a fever that broke last night, I kept thinking of all those old films where the doctor would say " the next 24 hours are crucial" and they all had very stern faces. Of course I didnt get any of that treatment, mostly it was what we gonna do we have run out of toilet rolls and butter? and I had to give a list and some spare change from my purse to my youngest to go to the shop for essential provisions whilst I sweated and halucinated along the following lines.......

Saturday Night
I dreamt I was waiting for a 309 at a bus stop in didsbury from 3.30 to 5.30 and each time one came no matter how much i put my hand out they slowed down then sped off ...............

Sunday Night - I dreamt I was someones wedding planner and they wanted to arrive at the church on their own on a white horse, they wanted party favours on the cheap and I suggested little bags filled with licorice alsorts and we were looking at reams of organza and I was thinking how did I get roped into this?

Monday Snooze 1 - My black winter coat somehow ended up on a hanger hung on the front of my wardrobe so whilst I was dipping in and out of sleep with a temperature I had the added bonus of thinking the grim reaper was hovering too.. this got tangled up in my thought processes as my mum in laws sister is being cremated on tuesday and there had been a discussion on who was attending, poor aunty midge, but I am way too young (and healthy) to be joining her so when I woke up properly I asked one of the kids to hide the coat as it gave me such a fright.......

Monday Night
- I dreamt I was taking minutes at an important meeting and kept sitting down then forgetting something from my desk, this went on and on until my manager said " what on earth is wrong with you, I wont put up with this much longer you are a disappointment to me and i think you better look for another job".......

that was the worst one, yes worse than the reaper, so much so I had to touch base and phone work just to hear a friendly voice......and then I needed to raid the cupboards for cake, chocolate or anything with zero nutritional value but lots of sugar

No more sweats today, I am going back tomorrow and so very glad I am on the right side of the lurgy......there is a faint possibility I have taken paracetomol and codeine for more than the recomended three days before consulting a doctor..but hopefully no one will snitch on me


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