Sunday 6 May 2012

The Wire (promotes unnecessary) Rudeness

I think we may be overdosing on The Wire, the other night I asked hubs to make us both a nice cup of tea as he got out of his chair and his reply?

"Kiss my white irish ass"

I asked him why he hadnt emptied the kitchen bin and he said

"thats just the way I roll, Mxxxxxx Fxxxxxxx"

After a very sharp look from me, he did actually make us both a nice pint mug of tea and infact he also emtpied the kitchen bin, but even so.....

I am enjoying the wire muchly, halfway through the second series and the comfort of knowing we have the box set (on loan from my sister, from another mister....OMG I am doing it now) is a wonderful comfort.

I do think I am actually part of the team along with Keema and the others, not sure where I would fit in, probrably the admin person who doesnt leave the office, but cuts out coupons. When this box set is finished we will be getting into the West Wing, though somehow I dont think its going to be quite so enjoyable as The Wire certainly has been, maybe we will have to start the Sopranos all over again, the old lady was hilariously funny and dark... I do love a good box set, it means we can O/D on quality without having to watch endless adverts for settees (surely everyone has one now).... thats all I have to say about that...

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