Sunday 6 May 2012

The Chicken Crisis Talks....


The chicken crisis talks went on all evening, the chicken had been purchased on a Sunday with thoughts of a roast dinner midweek, quite how this was going to pan out was beyond either of us but somehow we thought we could do it, despite having to leave the house at 8am and not returning till six...... current options

Put the chicken in on a low light all day and go to work
Put the chicken in on a low light all night and wrap when cooled and leave to stand for another 6 hours whilst everyone is at work
Put the chicken in when we come home from work and have a really late tea

Yes you guessed it when you work full time some meals are not a workable concept, and this is why my local chippy is full every night with people too busy to cook healthy meals without too much planning.

Anyway I get up this morning and the chicken has been washed and prepared but as I cant remember which course of action we decided on I do nothing. Rang hubs when I got to work and he said, he would ring first born (who has left home but has no wi fi connected yet so comes back to his original home to work from home every day, are you following this...) we decided to dispence completely with the foil option and he is putting it on gas mark 5 at 1pm, hubs will be home at 4ish to check it, of course he could miss something vital out like the chicken or in fact putting the oven on at all, and if that happens I am having fish and chips. I am worn out with it all and maybe I should go on one of those slimfast diets where I wont have to do food shopping or meal planning and my clothes wont be so tight......

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