Thursday 17 May 2012

Rush Tickets

In the old days you would read in the NME or Kerrang that a band was touring, you would check out the Manchester Evening News and find out when tickets went on sale, you had to go down to the venue in person, I remember queueing up at The Manchester Apollo, handing over cash (£6.50)got a ticket which was made from reinforced sugar paper.I do wish I had kept them - but thats another short story.
So I receive an email earlier this week from live nation telling me that Rush pre sale tickets for Manchester next year. As I am a member of live nation (prob from the last time i bought Rush tickets) I could log on a day before the tickets go on sale and get some. The tickets were to go on sale at 9am - I should have known that presented problems, I couldnt do this at home as I would already be in work, so I forwarded the link to my works email address. On getting into work and doing my usual start up for the day tasks, phone, computer, post, coffee perculator etc, I logged in, it took ages each bar slower than the last, then It didnt recognise my password, to resend the password it would only send to my gmail account which I cannot get access to at work, so I did the only thing I could, I rejoined live nation under my works email and started all over again. I was close to tears but the mission was two tickets for Rush for next May pref on the floor sections, pref at the end of the row, so no matter how tough I would have to complete my mission. After 42 minutes exactly, I have my ticket confirmation, printed out and in an envelope to be safely ensconsed in "the sock draw". It was like answering an online survey the amount of questions and passwords and forgotten passwords, then I got my date of birth wrong and it said "you have to be 13 or over to book tickets", finally I almost paid for the ruddy things with my works credit card........ I informed hubs who thanked me and innocently asked about my evening plans and I snapped his head off with something along the lines of......... for gods sake i am 45, I know where I'm going and its safe....... two cups of coffee later, I have a wopping headache, have wept in the works loos, my heart is racing and my work colleagues wont give me eye contact for fear of an adverse reaction.......

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