Monday 15 December 2008

Frank Spencer saves the day

I am on the met into work when i figure out why it is i havent worn this skirt in ages, the zip is knackered, i can feel the teeth trying to cling on the zip its going to go, now if i can just get into work i think i have a safety pin in my desk (lord knows i have everything else, it would be my real "monica" moment if anyone where to find out i am not that organised after all!) when i get in and have another look at the zip i find one of the teeth is askew and i had meant to attend to it the last time i wore it. No safety pin, i shall have to go to abakan habberdashers at the top of oldham street at lunchtime, i could do with the walk anyway, so i make my way up there at 12.10pm, i buy a strip of buttons for a shirt, look round the crafts stuff and get some safety pins and some hook and eyes, if i dont fix the zip i can always put a couple of these on in stead.

It was then it happened, i was able to put my four day intensive first aid, at the red cross in salford into good use, a bus had come too fast round the corner and hit a pedestrian, i didnt actually see this, i heard the collective gasp of the ones who did and the accusations to the driver by the crowd, no one seemed to be attending to this woman so i was straight over there, she was conscious and breathing (always a good sign) her hubs was with her holding her head at an awkward angle, I bent down and asked her name, she appears to have bitten her tongue, hubs took his coat off and i folded it inside out and put it under her head, this is when i noticed a severe head wound. it was glugging blood, but i didnt feel the least bit squeamish i just followed the instructions i had been given on the training, i got her into the recovery position and we waited for the ambulance to come, a boy of about 20 had phoned for an ambulance from his mobile, i could hear the instructions he was being given and I had already done them all.

It was then i noticed how much blood i had on my right hand and mobile phone, after a good clean with antibactial handwash, it was then i realised i had forgotten my lunch.

what a day. oh yeah and lucky for me my skirt didnt fall down or it would have been like an episode out of some mothers do ave em, especially since i have been wearing a black beret.



Lesley Redd said...

Well done Missus - I'm doing the Uni 4 day First Aid course with Jane Makin in that old Sackville Street building - what a place it must have been in its day. I'm halfway through it. I am being assessed on Tuesday afternoon.

Julia Miller said...

Well done on your quick thinking! A career in medicine might beckon as you are obviously impervious to the sight of blood! What about other bodily fluids??? I'm sure that the black beret will be remembered for years to come!