Wednesday 25 February 2009

Empty bags and empty promises

It now comes to light that the "crammed full of merchandise" part of the prize is nul and void and was an error on the part of the editing team and the newspaper. They didnt have anything to "cram" the bags with. Using my wit (but leaving the wisdom bit out eeek!) I did have a bit of fun corresponding with the PR girl, well i thought i was being witty and wimsical and i may have frightened (or pizzed her right off).

Although the editor had taken responsibily for the error, the phone call i received was from someone who thought I should be just glad i was getting anything, as I it was all free. She also told me I was aggressive, now this seems to be a running theme through things when i dont get my own way (and I like to get my own way, in fact i insist on it). So i may have to work on that in the future. in the meantime I can say that the night was a success, the tote bags empty though they were were very gratefully received by 10 teenagers (the other two bags went to younger siblings). Using creativing problem solving skills and just short of £4 i hotfooted to quality save in piccadilly and bought 10 packets of pom pom teddy bear crisps and 10 crunchies, I passed them down the line just as the film started.

I thought my email to the PR girl (Not the editor) was just funny, but maybe it wasnt taken that way as I have not heard from her since ..... see what you think


I have just received a phone call from Laura, she informs me that it was an error on their part and its just unfortunate really. Am I happy with this explanation and outcome, well not really. She did say my emails were aggressive and as i was getting something for nothing i should basically accept it.

I now have to think of how to tell a group of teenagers that their tote bags are indeed crammed - full of fresh air that is.! With my amazing "creative problem solving skills" i will pop into tesco tomorrow lunchtime and get 12 curly wurlies, i can hand these out whilst I explain that as Lucy says, everyone makes mistakes, perhaps its a good job she isnt a surgeon.

The luck I have had this week will possibly mean we will be forcibly ejected from the cinema for having smuggled our own sweets in. If your interested I will let you know what the girls think of the film (and the bags crammed with fresh air) next week.

On a happier note, I have contacted Lime in the Lowry and booked a table for 5.30pm on friday, I do hope there is no mixup with that one, after they present us with the bill and I say "oh no we are not paying we won it out of the metro" as i have visions of us being dragged from our table and given a pair of rubber gloves and washing up in the back.


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