Wednesday 11 May 2011

The Amber Gamblers return.....

Remember these two, well they had to be up for 8.00am to get to Bury for their Driving awareness course, it was 3.5 hours long and I couldn’t help but feel a little sorry that they were using up a valuable Saturday morning.
The night before Hubs said “what should I wear”? my suggestion of matching orange suits was suitably ignored (again) followed by a bit of banter about how I would never get flashed as I don’t go fast enough, true, I stay at 28-30MPH and like it that way thanks very much.
Apparently they were asked to write down on an A3 piece of paper the reasons why they went through a red light, then after much discussion they realised the difference between a reason and an excuse.
Whilst all this was going on i was pushing an unruly trolley in b and q with my mum and a long list of gardening and DIY requirements, all I was missing was a pencil behind my ear. I have figured out why men love b and q so much it’s because:
They can say Screw and flange as much as they like and not offend anyone, they can scratch themselves on their heads and crotch with their car keys (I witness both on aisle 9 – electrical switches) and its one place they feel they have the upper hand on knowledge, even if they don’t.

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