Wednesday 11 May 2011


Over a year ago my youngest told me she wanted to celebrate her 18th Birthday in New York, and was saving up for it. I know enough about this child to know that if she says she will do something she will (as my good friend and former work colleague once observed - your frightened of her arnt you, and Yes I was and I am, how much easier that she is now old enough to make all her own decisions, in actual fact she could have been and I should have let her do that from about 15 onwards then we wouldnt have had those awful slammed doors, crying and at times physical violence - dont let anyone tell you raising kids is fun or easy, but it is always an adventure)

Anyway rewind to 27th April and the day of the holiday, her and her boyfriend Seb had stayed the night before at ours, she had arranged for her dad to drop them off at the Airport and I accompanied them to departures..... after much hugging and checking they had their passports etc, we waved them off, I was dropped off at my GPs, to get a much needed prescription for Lanzoprazole for my Gastric reflux, completely and utterly stress related, more of that at a later date, the lead up to the hols wasnt plane sailing, but then life rarely is........

So for the week I was keeping in touch on facebook, hearing tales of their adventures, and looking at the odd uploaded snap, they enjoyed bloomingdales, central park, the zoo, victorias secrets got a lot of mentions and the empire state building was climbed, I am guessing on the inside, but knowing my feckles adventurous streak nothing would suprise me. I think the main thing I feel is complete and utter pride that she is a get up and go person, who makes her own decisions, doesnt hide behind a man for anything she wants and is independant, the Pankhursts would be truly proud as indeed me and her dad are.

thats all I have to say about that.......


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