Wednesday 11 May 2011

Royal Wedding Party

Despite being married to a man of Irish Catholic descent (and all that entails, the drinking, pictures of the Pope at home when he was growing up, the Phenian Rebel songs Albumn on display, anything Irish being loved from Denny's puddings to Soda Bread, oh yeah and that whole republican thing.....) I took great joy in the Royal Wedding, and not just because of the double bank holiday bonanza... I do beleive in Love and Companionship and also he had to get a move on and marry the girl before he lost all his hair and she changed her mind...

So on Friday 29th April, after a good lie in till 10am, I was up dressed in a spotty dress, pearl earrings and matching necklace and with my "props" of A Teapot, and beautiful royal dalton china blue tea set courtesy of the charity shop for just £5. the lady said they were middle of the range wedding teasets that were for best, another era and all the more prescious for it)

The Youth Club team were in charge as part of their Inter Generational programme, the big screen was on with the wedding and seated at various tables was local elderly residents, now if you were expecting a sedate affair you were very much mistaken, from the ahhhing at the beautiful dress Kate wore, to the Booing when they came out onto the balcony for the Kiss, when one lady shouted PATHETIC, not passionate enough, then another defended poor william and said he had blushed and was just shy......

after a much enjoyed buffet lunch and a glass of something fizzy, onto the competition of dressing a pair of gingerbread people as the bride and groom, one lady had the ingenius idea to make a wedding dress out of a white napkin and to use the squeazy icing to decorate wils jacket. One raucaus bunch got a bit racy with the decorations, and made Wils trousers rather revealing, her protests of "They were buttons and they just dropped" wasnt beleived by anyone, too much lambrini I fear....

A very enjoyable day was had by everyone and I returned home to find my Republican hubs complaining and how much the wedding must have cost us all, but he was watching it. When firstborn came home he said "I would like to be in the middle of a middleton sandwhich between Kate and Pippa", hubs added, and the mother is not too bad either.........


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