Saturday 21 May 2011

Come on City, Come on City....

Hubs had a ticket for the final in the bag two weeks ealier, the desperate hunt for a ticket for first born was proving unlikely despite everyones efforts. A last minute phone call to hubs asking modes of transport as his lift had pulled out " does that mean you have a spare!"?, so on saturday 14th May, I took three city fans who all admitted to nerves and a lack of sleep the night before, to a collection point in Salford, where they got on a minibus with a collection of other fans, dont think for even one moment that any of these boys (and girl) checked if it was the cocktail hour, oh no the first ringpull was pulled at precisely 6.12am, so hubs texted me.

I couldnt go back to sleep so came home and sorted my house out, I had pretty much done the lot by 10.30am, and I was off to my trusty charity shop for a chat with Alice, whose late hubs, son and grandson are all city fans, a very emotional conversation took place as she said her hubs would have loved to have lived to see this day. Her own preparations included decorating his graveside with blue and white flowers and a scarf and at home she hung his city shirt on the picture rail.

I found I couldnt watch the match as I was only interested in one outcome and as that couldnt be guaranteed i had to find other things to do.

Me and youngest headed to the traff centre, where the big screen was showing the game and I counted a small group of city fans watching as close to the screen as possible. After we had had a cuppa and a posh cake (Lemon Merange thanks feckles X) we left the food court to the standing ovation city got, I cant describe how pleased I was and then my mobile went and hubs sounded emotional, I had one word to say, WONDERFUL.

They got back to salford around midnight and unable to get a taxi I went out to get them, my driving skills (or lack of) are fairly legendary and I have been through the embarrassement, the shame and now I feel it is up to others to accept my limitations and if they want a lift they keep there negative comments to themselves.

Admitedly I did mount the curb, drive on the wrong side of the road and at only just stop at that red light as they got in my little car. First born said some very spiteful things until good old Lowry said "now come on lee your ma has been good enough to collect us", then he took the the very necessary role of co pilot very well.

Once home we were all too fired up to sleep, massive mugs of tea and malt loaf were required, before we headed to slumber around 2.30am, and my last words to hubs were
I am so pleased you won, with all your support throughout the year you deserve it, but that lee needs to stop being so picky about my driving...........

Mrs Mahoo did pass her driving test, she didnt (has been suggested) swap carnal services for her pass certificate.....

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