Thursday 28 July 2011

Chicago here we come.....

Arriving at O'Hare Airport at Chicago time of 1.15pm (though our bodies were registering 7.15pm) we collected out luggage went through the imigration checks, yes we had our visas, yes we packed the bags ourselves etc, it isnt worth being either funny or arsey to the airport staff, they dont want to be your friends they want to know your not a terrorist, so after the finger print check and they had asked us our business in the USA and they felt suitably satisfied we wished them and their nation no harm we were allowed through

Having read three guide books on the city I felt we could dispense with the taxi route and do public transport, I knew we needed to find the "L" (elevated transport system) into the city, we were the blue line and it would be 17 stops and take just 40 minutes, we used the ticket machine and for just $2.25 we got to Chicago city and got off on Clark/Lake stop, four blocks from our hotel which took just 10 minutes to walk, oh lord it was hot, having come from pissy old manchester on a cold sunday morning I had jeans, trainers and a coat, so arriving at our hotel was wonderful.

I checked us in with J.B. On the desk, told him it was for Hubs 50th and he upgraded us, we were on the 14th floor and our room was fab, with a great view..... the holiday begins here.....
how far are you prepared to go?

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