Thursday 28 July 2011

Chicago - Monday

I first woke at 6.00am, looked out the window at the fab view and decided I needed a couple more hours of shut eye, remember, sleep deprivation Is a form of torture and this is a holiday...

Back up at 9.00am and I made us two cups of Jet Fuel Coffee (thats what it said on the container) it did the job and we set off with a small pop up pocket map of chicago and found the famous Chicago Theatre, breakfast was next on the cards and we walked into a mexican caffe, we ordered mexican breakfast wraps, they consisted of omelate sante fe with peppers, spicy sauce and bacon, unusual but something i could get used to. refreshed and refuelled we found the Sears Tower (now renamed the Willis Tower) they have the famous skydeck and great views of the city so up we went, 103 floors, I must be getting braver as I didnt even feel the usual nausea and fear as we got higher in the lift, I even posed for a snap on the glass floor and was able to stand without my knees trembling. On the way out there was a gift shop (I do love a gift shop) and the ones attached to American attractions are always imaginitive if not just plain crazy. I was not to be disappointed this time as they had a fancy dress outfit to make you look like president Lincoln, complete with hat, which I persuaded a very reluctant hubs to try on for a snap. Now you may think that is wacky but later on in the week I actually saw a tourist wearing one, mind you it was by then 108 degrees and maybe it was the only hat she had with her.....

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