Thursday 28 July 2011

Fantasy Island

In a dreamlike state we unpacked made ourselves a cuppa (we had an ace drink making machine called a Keurig - I have seen them demonstrated in Selfridges) you had these little containers you put in one part then a mug full of water etc.... great fun and the cuppa was ok too...

we got changed, and got a fist full of dollars and we were out on the magnificent mile for 3.30pm......

We found a massive statue of Marilyn Monroe, lots of posh shops like bloomingdales, macys and Hersheys, we found Oprah Winfreys studio and saw a group of people who looked like they were heading to a beach so we followed them, after the shops ended there was a subway we carried on following and the subway came up to a wonderful beach which somehow looked out of place with a backdrop of sky scrapers, I announced ...."this is like something off fantasy island" because thats what it felt like, tired and hungry we headed back to our hotel to sink three pints of Samuel Adams summer ale and there hard rock burger, which was all very nice, it being a sunday night we had the bar to ourselves and chilled out watching back to back rock music videos...... Later asleep in our room, I heard someone knocking on the room next door, a secret knock, in fact it was the intro to YYZ which I thought was so random I must have dreamt it...... wondering what adventures the next day held I drifted off in a mist of ale and antihistermines (I always get bitten by the bugs when its hot, they find my rare blood group tasty).....

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