Saturday 30 July 2011

Heat Warnings and Waterfalls

The heat warnings on the american tv channels we watched each morning whilst slurping our coffee in the room were scary, (the reporters had so much makeup on they looked like extras from Dallas) they were giving reports of heat up to 108 degrees, and recomended anyone without air con to get out of their homes and into museums, libraries and any public places to keep cool, they said to keep rehydrated and call on elderly neighbours, so it was serious stuff.

We left the hotel and were immediatly hit by a blanket of heat that would have dried three lines of washing in 10 mins (always looking for the positive, thats me) we found explored the local parks of millenium, grant, we were near the water fountains in grant park and the kids looked like they were having so much fun I wanted to join in too. So I did and then I dared hubs and he did too, we were soaked to our underwear and thought a good walk would dry us off which is did, we went in search of China town and found Buddy Guys Legends instead.......

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