Saturday 29 October 2011


If you live in Manchester or Salford, you cant have not noticed the new MEDIACITY, the metrolink has a new stop (8 minutes from Piccadilly Station to Mediacity on the tram is advertised and as I have tested this out the timing is pretty acurate), BBC are moving or already have moved from London to Manchester, I never thought that would happen, I was even wondering if they would be replicating the bluepeter garden..... not sure if all broadcasting is moving... but as me and hubs were off on thursday we had a mooch around the complex, we parked up in the multistory, bit expensive at 3 quid for two hours and 5 quid for four hours. Armed with my 5 pound voucher from the new Booths store we parked up and treated ourselves to a couple of bottles of wine (half price this week) some Mrs Kirkhams smoked cheese, the staff who work at Booths are trained and experts in their field, the cheesemonger (just think how ace that would look on a business card). we looked at some christmas speciality ales (Booths had over 200 real ales and the prices on the whole were similar to Sainsbury's or Tescos - a few this weeks specials with 50p knocked off made them a particular bargain) back to the christmas ales there was one called Naughty Elf that was 9% and another which was 11%, a couple of those on a cold winters night and you would be comfortably numb thats for sure.

Thrilled with my new Booths hessian bag and posh contents we continued our look round the Media city complex, we saw a street dancing group warming up for an outside shoot and spotted a costa coffee and booths cafe inside. There were signs for studio audiences which I may have to look into for a future experience, I have been in a studio audience before but it was in the 70's, it was Cheggers Plays Pop, so maybe its time to revisit that and add on a more current experience.

Before we went back to our car I spotted the Tardis and forced hubs to have his snap with the Daliks and had a little fantasy about being Dr Whos next assistant........

1 comment:

Lesley Redd said...

went down there in September. Was good to walk around. Went to War museum. Very moving. Trams are good until there is a frost and they stop because they forget the de-icer.